New applicants are required to present a Nebraska Handgun (Firearm) Purchase Certificate or Concealed Carry Permit at the time of application. New applicants are required to attend a Safety Briefing prior to the monthly board meeting, after which time they will appear in front of the Board of Directors.
FRSC is a not for profit corporation organized in 1965. The officers and Board of Directors of FRSC reserve the right to reject any application/applicant.
You will be provided with a copy of the by-laws and operating rules for FRSC and are asked to abide by same.
All membership requests/questions should be directed Mark Reinhard Membership Chairperson at (402) 984-2287.
* = Required Field
Your Name *
Date Of Birth *
Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Your Email *
Home Phone *
Cell Phone *
Spouse's Name
Sponsor's Name
Please indicate your interests:
Trap/SkeetHigh Power RifleSmall BorePractical PistolBench restHunter ED
Describe your previous gun experience, if any:
Approximately how many years of shooting experience do you have? *
NoneLess than 1 year1+ Years2+ Years3+ Years4+ Years5-10 Years10 - 15 Years15 - 20 Years20+ Years
What firearm safety training have you been through? *
Hunter EducationNRA Firearm Safety TrainingOther (Describe below)None
Will you be willing to provide your help working at the Club and or Gun Show? *
Have you ever been a member of Four Rivers Sportsmen’s Club before? *
No, New MemberMembership lapsedQuitExpelled
Are you Human? Enter validation code below.
Printable Version: FRSC Application
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